Several years ago I was in the midst of looking at developing a smart card for the storage of vital medical information. I ran across on the internet a gentlemen named Finis Conner who had started a company call Blustor. Little did I know about his background, but did find out while meeting in Chicago. An eye opener! I provided some consulting work and we have remained friends over the years.
Fast forward.
This is a most excellent article authored by Finis that details how the next revolution of AI will perhaps follow Moore's law and will define the need for increased storage requirements.
A comparative model is provided against the EV space.
In the meantime, we will have to look at the capacity of the storage space to handle the predictive algorithms of which AI for all vertical business models will drive this increased storage requirement in my view.
Great job Finis on a good market analysis of your life experience in the HD space and how this compares to the next evolution of AI.
Download Why Is the AI Boom Sending HDD Stocks Through the Roof?